Privacy and Cookies Policy

The protection of your data has always been a priority for us in our 12 years of experience. As such, the following information aims to clarify how we use your personal data, as personal data is any information that allows you to identify yourself.

Who is Triplo?

We are a communications agency with many years of experience. A creative and multifaceted team involved in the areas of graphic design, printing, websites and digital marketing.

What information do we collect and where is it stored?
When browsing our website, your information is collected and processed both for basic contact procedures and for analyzing your preferences, motivations and interaction with the content. Like most websites, in order for it to function properly, we occasionally install small files called cookies on your computer or mobile device:

A cookie is a small text file that a website installs on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. These files allow the website to “remember” your actions and preferences for a certain period of time, namely your user name, chosen language, character size and other display settings. This is why when you browse the pages of a website or visit it again, you do not, in principle, have to indicate your preferences again.

THUS, YOUR INFORMATION MAY BE PROCESSED IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: To manage submissions to contact forms. A compilation of this information is sent to our general email. Although only one person has access to this email, your data may be processed by other members of the Triplo team; To legitimize active visitors to this website, protecting it against bot actions and, consequently, against spam; To generate statistics that allow us to determine your interaction with this website, including collecting your demographic data; To extract information regarding interests in products or services that complement our digital marketing actions, as well as the integrated mechanisms that allow us to understand the information we receive; The data collected may also be used for remarketing purposes;
How to control your data

Your information regarding the contact form will be kept by the Triplo team until you request its deletion. To do so, contact us via our general email with the subject “I want to delete my data” stating in the body of the message which data you want to delete and whether you want to delete it in part or in full. You can update your data by proceeding in the same way, just changing the subject to “I want to update my data”. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of the order within 48 hours, contact us again using the same method. We will be quick to confirm the completion of your order.


You can control or delete cookies if you wish. For more information, see You can delete all cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device or activate an option available in most browsers that prevents their installation. But if you do, you may have to manually set some preferences every time you visit a website. If so, you run the risk of disabling certain services and features. You can easily accept or refuse the Triplo website to install cookies on your computer or mobile device by clicking on one of the following links: I accept the installation of cookies / I refuse the installation of cookies. However, we advise you to review your preferences for using our website through the pop-up created for this purpose in order to get the most out of our website.

Who do we share the information with?

First, we share the information with you. If you want to recover the data you shared with us, send an email with the subject “I want my data” to our general email. We do not share or collect information with partners other than those mentioned in the previous topics and in accordance with the conditions and objectives described.